Saturday, February 28, 2009

New York Times Article -Modern Librarian Culture

That's right, we're hip. The New York Times says so.

It reminds me of my service focus group meeting at work a few months ago when I told everyone I was applying to library school. Jodi's eyes got really, really, big and her jaw dropped. " a library... But you're not quiet!!! You're always chattng to someone."

I mean, shushing has it's place. Believe me, I shush.
Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not chatting...!!!

New York Times Article on Videos Games & Libraries

Using Video Games as Bait to Hook Readers

“You can’t just make a book anymore,”

Well that just about sums it up.

New York Times Video - 21st Century Librarian

School librarians like Stephanie Rosalia have transformed into multi-faceted information specialists who guide students through the flood of digital information that confronts them on a daily basis.

Interesting video article discussing information literacy skills and the need to teach internet fluency at a young age. I loved Stephanie Rosalia's pragmatic and forward thinking approach to her work. She's giving the children at her school skills that they will take with them beyond the classroom and into their daily lives.

Also notable: The lack of librarians in public schools. With the sheer volume of information kids can access on the web, how can they possibly navigate intelligently and successfully if they aren't taught basic information literacy skills? Considering the rate of technological advancement showing no signs of slowing, these skills are just as vital as the three "R's." It is our school's responsibility to give students the ability to function in the world of tomorrow.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Stimulus money and libraries

Plan includes funds for broadband access and usage.