Tuesday, July 21, 2009

IST 511 - Day 2

Today's 511 class was of particular interest to me because the guest speakers were academic librarians and I am interested in academic librarianship. I found John Schuster's path to be quite interesting, particularly because he was able to travel frequently, defy the librarian stereotype, and engage in public outreach. I loved his ability to get in touch with the students and faculty on his campus, effect positive change, and teach. Jan's path was more along the lines of what I envision for myself, however, and I was encouraged to hear her idea to combat marginalization in academic libraries was to "burst out of the box" and reach out to students, faculty and staff by using the schools mission. While their paths may have been different, they both felt that networking, relationships and outreach created opportunities in their careers that otherwise wouldn't have been possible.

I was also pleased to have gained insight on copyright. Creative commons is a great resource that I plan to use for materials and images in the future. I was also interested to see that flikr has an option to search images within creative commons. While I had a basic understanding of the nature of copyright, it was helpful to understand specifically which actions were covered under the copyright umbrella (reproduction, creation of derivative materials, sale, public performance and display) as well as what items determined fair use (character of use, nature of material, quantity and importance and effect on market).

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