Friday, July 24, 2009

IST 511 - Day 4

What grabbed me about Thursday's class was space. Three dynamic speakers shared their experiences about what can be done in a library's building to promote learning and facilitate user needs. The first speaker's work in an elementary school may not be quite the same as what I can implement in an academic library, but it was helpful to learn how to look at space, utilize existing resources in different ways, and push for what renovations are needed.

In my interview with a librarian administrator (Anne Panagrossi) before this class began we discussed space throughout our conversation. Anne is responsible for directing a library that exists in an 18th century mansion. The infrastructure concerns and limitations were tremendous. She pointed me to the website of the University of Brigedgport (CT) library which had just undergone renovation. Looking at how Bridgeport used their space was very gave me some great ideas, and the speakers on Thursday gave me even more. I liked Bird Library's creation of a learning commons and quiet study areas. As a library user, I have many different needs at different times, and like to know that I can have quiet space, group space, and recreational space when I need them. As a future librarian, I'm happy to know there are models and contacts available to help me create these spaces for my users.

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